Truth Shall Suffice

Everything you experience is based on your range of perception. All around you are projections, Soul beings are the only thing real in this sense. Our Soul/Consciousness is what projects different frequencies in which we can experience the variety of possibilities in the universes.Without the "illusion fields" there is only the I AM, only existing in It Self. This is why we project numerous matrix templates each in it's own pattern of "reality" that we can experience existence.So the matrix we are in now has a few templates. One is the astral plane and another our current physical plane. This is as real as our perception of reality can take us. Everything is here by our Divine Observation/Acknowledgement. You as a consciousness are free to choose if you want or not to experience this template or another.Everything is connected. Go deep within because this is where truth lies. Outside are only the projections,remember this. Inside in your consciousness core is where you can find yourself and wisdom. The rest are only the projections made of our Divine Will that molds the energetic frequencies into templates of reality.Do not use your brain solely, to understand this. Use your expanded awareness. You have a mind beyond your brain.


Consciousness as you are perceiving is the motion of life itself. It's beyond dimensions as it exists by itself with no need of anything. Consciousness is what we are in essence and this is why every thing is alive. This is why anything that you can and cannot perceive is alive, because the consciousness is what composes the All. Now, when consciousness wants to have different takes on things it creates what we see as dimensions.

Because consciousness see everything as possibilities in order to stay in perpetual movement. We as consciousness then start to make up holographic scenarios to play out those possibilities. These scenarios helps us experience beyond our consciousness "imagination" and immerse into the experience by creating paradigms of holographic limitation. The scenario we are playing here is just one possibility.

The laws of physics that reigns this dimension are only one possibility of many. What happens is that all that we are perceiving here is through filters placed there by us and consciousness. The mind is a frequency filter that alter our perception according to it's paradigms. Mind is like a program that only allows certain things to be perceived in a reality for us to experience that frequency isolated in itself fully.

A rock is the motion of consciousness limited by different filters than a conscious soul. Those filters allow on a rock to express the cosmic consciousness in a paradigm of inertia by our 3D brain perception. When in fact everything is constantly moving in itself.

The patterns we create makes the moving particles appear to have a certain shape because all the moving particles that enters that square of the matrix is bound to vibrate in that manner. So the same energy that is at one moment composing a rock can in another moment be composing your leg, because the spot of the matrix you "stand" at will make that particle vibrate to form your body template.

Everything is made of the same. Just imagine that you as consciousness is standing inside a 4 dimensional cube with tons of little cubes inside. Each cube is designed to make the consciousness vibrate in a certain way that will make it adhere to form a shape. Everything inside a 4 dimensional cube will allow the consciousness to perceive existence only in that paradigm.

This is the cube we are in right now. As we understand the mechanics of this cube we can add more possibilities to the next one and remove some of the previous filters that alter our perception.

Reality... Perceptions... 

It gets to a point where we see all the possibilities being expressed in this mind construct and how the 

thought patterns flows. We see the electrical connection between everything and then we emerge ourselves

 from the cosmic waters to a point of observation. It is where our higher consciousness lies in constant 

acknowledgement of our present life expressions. We don't talk, we just know. We observe each individual

 in their entire choice of experiences and when they come to us we just acknowledge their BEing for what

 they tell us is but an expression of their own perception of reality.