Your Body Is Your Temple

All your life, your moments, your embraces, the flavors you’ve felt, the sensations that made you smile, were possible to you because of the body that contains you, your temple. If it wasn’t for our body we wouldn’t be inhabiting this world, we wouldn’t have this life. Our body is a very important vehicle and deserves to be cared for, given attention and love. Many times we forget about it because it is always here, and with time we begin to disrespect our body. When we are not happy we take it out on our Temple by consuming toxic products or only by allowing ourselves emotional calamities.Polarized emotions lower our vibration’s frequency and we become susceptible to emotional diseases that, for instance, can become serious health problems.

Taking care of our bodies must be constant and done with love and with the comprehension that serves a higher purpose. Our part is to love it so it can continue to exist in peace and provide this important human experience on Earth.

When we put our expectations of life in other people we are forgetting about ourselves. We forget that self love is the first lesson for us to learn collective love. Ones who says that he love another but doesn’t know it’s own value is only fooling himself and walking to a path of deceptions. A relationship where the other person is more important than yourself is out of balance and therefore in risk of not existing for long. This works the same in a relationship where the other person is seen as inferior. In both cases there is a polarization that makes the relationship incomplete and needs to be unified so it can bring satisfaction.

Jealousy, for instance, is a polarized emotion mixed with fear. A very jealous person forgets about his own value. His mind is kept foggy and he cannot see himself. Self knowledge is like the wand in the mage’s hand. The person starts to live an unreal life through someone else’s life. Their attention is frequently in the other person, and the world tends to go around the other, and their lives tends to get worse. They get into a vicious cycle, being a victim, that becomes a bad habit and therefore more difficult to separate themselves from it.

Your disharmony is the cause of your suffering. When we are used to live in duality we forgot that peace is only with us when we are neutral. The path of balance, the center, is the one that brings us peace. Noticing that you are important, that this is the reason why you deserve your own attention and love, and living in the present moment, will bring you the so desired harmony. Many people use to say that they will be happy when they have their dream house, the dream partner, riches, but when they acquire those things other excuses comes up to justify their frustrations. We usually tend to rationalize what stops us from progressing, because we feel lazy to stand up and take responsibility for our lives. It is much easier to justify that you don’t have control over something than to take command of the situation and making the difference. Life don’t carry the lazy ones, because it walks guiding us in the way while we walk for ourselves.

Happiness is a state of being. When you love yourself and live life to the fullest in the present moment this happiness blooms from inside of you, and when it is fixed, it doesn’t matter where you are, you will be happy.

Remember to hug yourself, love the skin that surrounds you, the body that carries you, the heart that beats in you, because they are a gift so your journey in this existence can be fruitful. Take advantage of the opportunity to be alive. Be intelligent. Because Darwin already made it clear how things work in this world. So take care of yourself and when you are loving yourself, begin to love everything that exist, because you are integrated with the universe.


Peace, Light, Life and Love

By: Radharani~