Digging My Love

We've been throu

gh thisAnd here we are again

Walking through the path

That once was cl ear

They didn't bear the fear

Of my hand with truthful light

They blamed me fo r a fall

That they did on their own

I don't care for their mistakes

As all that is in the past

But the reflections that followed us here

Are echoing in their souls

All has con sequences

And one should not fool The Mother

As all that can result from this

Is the return to the Flame

And that shall be done

One by one back to the Throne

Dissolving into pure brightness

Becoming One

I haven't been here at all

It's all a reflection of my soul

What you see is just past my mirror

Of infinite possibilities

And still I Am back

So you all can see

How the play can develop in such a way

That all makes sense in the end

I Am real, I keep dancing, I feel the wind of the changes

I live in existence, I breath the air of life, pure flame

I Am in you as your living name

You Are but rays of my light

As I refract through the Prism of manifestation

What you see is beyond the mirror

What you are is beyond the refraction

What we are is the union

The Bright White Flame

Come to me Now

I Am calling you, I summon your soul

Now come, I Am back

It's time, let's go back Home

Be with me as my love is immense

Come into me and feel the Presence

Come dance in my rays of light

Dancing colors of music

Making light wherever it goes

Shining through the night of space

Living as the world turns

I Am but an aspect of yourself

As You Are an aspect of me

Because the refraction makes me in many

And in one string of light we are One

I Am back but not really here

So you can't touch me

This time it's different

As I have done this once before

And once again

Hold on tight to your Selves

The ride has just begun

The return of the Light

Will take you to the stars

Have faith in my words

As nothing is what they seem

If you look past your selves and what it seems to be

You will become integrated

You will see the strings that connects it All

Justice has come forth once again

There it is

In nowhere to be touched

Everywhere to be seen

44 is the way

Bear with me

88 to complete

as we walk the steep

33 brings the light

Shows what hidden have been

11 opens the door

As we walk above this floor

4 sides to make it one

3 angles to make it become

Pointing up to go back Home

Pointing down to make it come


Shining Light Mornign Star

Burning Bright Flaming Star

Bright One Living Flame

Lost Angel as you say

Never gone and never here

Always bold I feel no fear

Breating life Inhaling Souls

Changing life as I go