Comparing Spacing Schedules

Students of teachers who choose to use the Automatic Reassessment and Relearning System were assigned to 4 different spacing conditions. Students assigned to conditions with longer retention intervals had lower retention performance than students in shorter retention intervals. The authors argue that this shows the need to have computer adapted reassessment schedules.

Condition 1

174 Students were reassessed in 1 day.

Condition 3

170 Students were reassessed in 4 day intervals.

Condition 2

162 Students were reassessed in 7 day intervals.

Condition 4

170 Students were reassessed in 14 day intervals.

Xiong, X. & Beck, J. (2014) A Study of Exploring Different Schedules of Spacing and Retrieval Interval on Mathematics Skills in ITS Environment. In Stefan Trausan-Matu, et al. (Eds) The Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring 2014. LNCS 8474. Pages 504-509.