Choice in reason why you need to learn a topic.

This study is currently being run by students. The purpose of this study is to see if giving a student a video with an explanation to why they are learning a subject is helpful. Furthermore, the student gets to pick which topic -- food, school, sports, shopping, or nature -- they want an example from.

Before Assignment to Condition

The student is asked if they can see and hear a video if they can they are then put into condition, otherwise they are just given problems to solve.

Click on the image to see the video


These students are given a filler video and then problems to work on.

This is the filler problem.


These students are given a filler video and then problems to work on.

This is the problem Where students pick a topic and then see a video that describes why the topic uses percents and ratios.

Click the image to enlarge

This is an example of the problems students work on until they get three right in a row.

Click the image to enlarge

This is an example of the problems students work on until they get three right in a row.

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Teacher Invitation - This was sent to teachers to recruit their participation.

Click here to try the problem set

Clicking on the link above will allow you to experience this study from the student's perspective. You will be randomly assigned to either the control or experimental conditions. Follow the link multiple times or refresh the preview page to experience each condition.

Hawkings, W., Heffernan, N., & Heffernan, C. (in preparation) Using choice of video description of the topic to motivate.