Choice of Challenge

This study is currently running in ASSISTments. The purpose of this study is to find what types of students prefer to challenge themselves. Do more confident students prefer a harder challenge? Do students generally prefer to take the easier option? Do students perform better when choosing their difficulty?

Problem Set

The students are first asked to rate their confidence on the subject. They are given example problems and can choose how confidence they are in solving them.

Students then move into the skill builder. They are informed that they must get three right in a row.

Skill Builder Instructions:

Example Skill Builder Question:

Students then notified that they completed the skill builder. The students are randomly assigned either two challenge questions or two standard questions. The standard questions are the same format as the skill builder.

Skill Builder Completion:



Students are given a question about which difficulty they prefer for the remaining problems.

Skill Builder Completion:

Example Standard Problem:

Example Standard Problem:

Students who select easier problems will get two standard problems.

Students who select harder problems will get the two challenge problems.

Example Challenge Problem:

Example Challenge Problem:

Click any image to enlarge.

Teacher Invitation - This presentation was sent to teachers to recruit their participation.

Click here to try the problem set

Clicking on the link above will allow you to experience this study from the student's perspective. You will be randomly assigned to either the control or experimental conditions. Follow the link multiple times or refresh the preview page to experience each condition.