Patchwork Quilt Experiment

Comparing being taught by two teachers on three different problems with being taught by the same teacher on three problems

Dr Heffernan, Andrew Burnett, and colleagues have collected 2-3 videos for a few Skill Builders. This was done with IES funding for teachers to create their own video explanations. We want to take advantage of that serendipity to see how important is consistency.

Click into the images to run the tutor. Ask for a hint and you will see a video by either teacher A or B.

All Hints by Teacher A

(click on the images to view the problems)

All Hints by Teacher B

(click on the images to view the problems)

Hints by a Mix of Teachers A and B

(click on the images to view the problems)

Burnett, A., Heffernan, N. T., Heffernan, C. & Ostrow, K. (in preparation). Does the same teacher compared to different teachers have an effect? Might a patchwork quilt be better than a blanket for greater consistency?