
Prevalence of Oral and Maxillofacial Cases Attended in Shar Hospital along Two Years

Teshw F. Majeed* , Shanaz M. Gafor**


*Trainee in Kurdistan Board of Medical Specialties, Sulaimani, Iraq. 

**Chairperson, Dentistry Department, Komar University of Science and Technology, Sulaimani, Iraq.


Submitted: June 2, 2021, Accepted: September 18, 2021, Published: December 1, 2021.



Objective: The Prevalence of oral and maxillofacial diseases is highly variable depending on the region, country, and data source. The study was designed to assess the Prevalence of all oral and maxillofacial cases in a reported sample from outpatients who attended the teaching clinics, Shar Hospital, in Sulaymaniyah city.  

Methods: A retrospective study was carried out in the Shar Teaching Hospital in Sulaymaniyah city from Jan 2018 to Jan 2020 for multidisciplinary dental and maxillofacial disease treatment. The data retrieved from the hospital files out of 817 patients, 554 met with the required information. Statistical analysis was performed using a statistical package for social science (SPSS version 16). In addition, chi-square tests were used for comparative analysis.      

Results: Out of 554 patients, more than half were females, 58.7 %, while males accounted for the remaining 41.3 %. The majority of patients were aged 20-39 years 42.2%. Dental and gingival pain were the patients' most frequent chief complaints, 24.9%, with the highest percentage in 20-39 age groups (11.6%). The most common diagnosis was dental and periodontal diseases (29.8%), followed by temporomandibular joint disorders (25.8%).  

Conclusions: Dental and gingival pain was the most common chief complaints, followed by temporomandibular joint pain and intraoral ulceration, and more common in the 20-39 age groups population. The most frequent diagnosis reported cases were dental and periodontal diseases followed by temporomandibular disorders and ulcerative /immunological lesions. Females were more frequently diagnosed with gender.                                                                                     

Keywords:  Dental, Oral, Maxillofacial diseases, TMJ.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Full Article - PDF           



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