
The prevalence and etiology of maxillary midline diastema among orthodontic patients attending Shorsh Dental Clinic in Sulaimani City

Darwn Saeed Abdulateef,  Azheen Jamil Ali & Nasih Fatih Othman


Objectives: The purposes of this study were to determine the prevalence of MMD among Shorish dental clinic`s patients seeking orthodontic treatment and to find the factors associated with this anomaly.

Materials and Methods: During 6 months, 507 patients with age (13 – 40) years old attending Shorish Dental Clinic, seeking orthodontic treatment were screened to find the prevalence and etiology of MMD.

Result: The MMD was present in 110 patients (21.7%). The frequency of MMD was the same in males and females. It is highest in the young age group and lowest in the older age group (29% vs. 4%).

Conclusion: The most frequent factor among the observed etiological factors was oral unhealthy habit which was found in 40% of MMD patients and 8.7% of all cases.

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