Overview of API changes in INTViewer 5.1.1


1/ An API to show multiple color bars in windows

See the IXSectionWindow.BAR_TYPE property (default is FOLLOW_AXIS_LAYER_BAR_TYPE, other option is USER_DEFINED_BAR_TYPE)

When "user defined bar type" is selected, each layer defines its own order with the COLORBAR_ORDER, COLORBAR_LOC, SYMBOLBAR_LOC and SYMBOLBAR_ORDER properties. The default COLORBAR_ORDER and SYMBOLBAR_ORDER values are NONE, meaning that no bar is displayed by default when "user defined bar type" is selected.

2/ An API to define symbol maps and use them in pointset and microseismic visualizations

See the com.interactive.jcarnac2d.util.gui.symbolbar.cgSymbolBar API.

Use the IPointSetObject3D.POINT_SET_SYMBOL_MAP property to set the symbol map of a 3D pointset visualization.

3/ An API to transpose or reverse the directions of Map windows.


IMapWindow window = ...
NamedProps props = new NamedProps();
props.putProperty(IMapWindow.TRANSPOSE_IJ, true);
props.putProperty(IMapWindow.REVERSE_HORZ_IJ, true);
props.putProperty(IMapWindow.REVERSE_VERT_IJ, true);

Incompatibilities with 5.1

A set of API incompatibilities have been introduced as part of this release.

NetBeans and Java 7

INTViewer 5.1.1 is based upon NetBeans 7.3.1 just like INTViewer 5.1.

INTViewer 5.1.1 has been compiled with Java 7 and won't start with a Java 6 runtime . If you have an automated build for your own plugins, make sure you use Java 7 or greater.

Java 8 Compatibility

INTViewer has been tested with Java 7 and Java 8.

if you use the Java 8 Development Kit to develop your own INTViewer plugins, you'll need to use at least NetBeans 8 as earlier versions of the NetBeans IDE don't work with Java 8.

If you develop an INTViewer plugin with Java 8 in NetBeans 7.3.1, you will encounter this message:

common.xml:217: Class not found: javac 1.8