Overview of API changes in INTViewer 4.5.2

New Java API

INTViewer 4.5.2 brings a new set of functionalities that have been made available through the API:

Generic Data Types

The com.interactive.intviewerapi.data.IDataFactory.createNewInstance method has been typed:

public IData createNewInstance(String dataPath, Class<T extends IData> dataKlass) throws Exception;


public <T extends IData> T createNewInstance(String dataPath, Class<T> dataKlass) throws Exception;

As a result, lines like this:

ISeismicData seismicData = (ISeismicData) IData.factory.createNewInstance(path, ISeismicData.class);

can be written simply:

ISeismicData  seismicData = IData.factory.createNewInstance(path, ISeismicData.class);

Generic Window Types

The com.interactive.intviewerapi.windows.ILayeredWindowFactory class has been typed:

public interface ILayeredWindowFactory {


public interface ILayeredWindowFactory<T extends ILayeredWindow> {

As a result, lines like this:

IMapWindow mapWindow = (IMapWindow) IMapWindow.factory.createWindow();

can be written simply:

IMapWindow mapWindow = IMapWindow.factory.createWindow();

Generic Layer Types

The com.interactive.intviewerapi.layers.ILayerFactory class has been typed:

public interface ILayerFactory {


public interface ILayerFactory<T extends ILayer2D, U extends IData, V extends ILayeredWindow> {

As a result, lines like this:

IMapHorizonLayer mapLayer = (IMapHorizonLayer) IMapHorizonLayer.factory.createLayer(mapWindow, data, props, false);

can be written simply:

IMapHorizonLayer mapLayer = IMapHorizonLayer.factory.createLayer(mapWindow, data, props, false);

The same change has been implemented for com.interactive.intviewerapi.objects3d.IObject3DFactory.

The com.interactive.intviewerapi.IVisual class has been typed as well:

public interface IVisual


public interface IVisual<U extends IData, V extends IViewerWindow>

As a result, lines like this:

IMapHorizonLayer mapLayer = ...
IMapWindow window = (IMapWindow) mapLayer.getViewerWindow();
IHorizonData data = (IHorizonData) mapLayer.getData();

can be written simply:

IMapHorizonLayer mapLayer = ...
IMapWindow window = mapLayer.getViewerWindow();
IHorizonData data = mapLayer.getData();

These changes are backward compatible, no change to your existing code should be needed. However, they might require your plugins to be recompiled against INTViewer 4.5.2.


In INTViewer 5.1, the types U and V of ILayerFactory and IObject3DFactory will match the type of data and window each layer type is supposed to use. As this is a backward incompatible change, it is scheduled for INTViewer 5.1 so developers have time to prepare.


The factory for ISeismicLayer is currently defined as:

ILayerFactory<ISeismicLayer, IData, ILayeredWindow> factory = ...

will be defined in future releases as:

ILayerFactory<ISeismicLayer, ISeismicData, IXSectionWindow> factory = ...

As a result, the following lines that compile today will no longer compile in future releases:

ILayeredWindow window = ...
IData data = ....
ISeismicLayer layer = ISeismicLayer.factory.createLayer(window , data, new NamedProps(), false)

and should be changed to:

IXSectionWindow window = ...
ISeismicData data = ....
ISeismicLayer layer = ISeismicLayer.factory.createLayer(window , data, new NamedProps(), false)

Also, the methods IVisual.setData and AbstractLayer2D.onSetData currently defined as:

    public void setData(IData data) throws Exception;
    protected void onSetData(IData data) throws Exception;

will be defined in future releases as:

    public void setData(U data) throws Exception;
    protected void onSetData(U data) throws Exception;

U being the type of IData returned by the IVisual.getData() method.

As a result, the following lines that compile today will no longer compile in INTViewer 5.1:

ISeismicLayer layer = ...
IData data = ...
and should be changed to:
ISeismicLayer layer = ...
ISeismicData data = ...

Incompatibilities with 4.5.1

A set of API incompatibilities have been introduced as part of this release.

See also: Overview of API changes in INTViewer 4.5.1