Overview of API changes in INTViewer 2018


1/ An API to manage the status bar

The com.interactive.intviewerapi.windows.IStatusBarManager interface has been added to manage the content of the status bar at the bottom of INTViewer's desktop.

2/ An API to plug your own shortcut panel for trace processors

4/ An API to add background maps to map windows

5/ An API to control the vertical shift of layers when trace processors are used

This change was announced in Overview of API changes in INTViewer 5.2

6/ An API to create your own virtual headers.

Incompatibilities with 5.2

A set of API incompatibilities have been introduced as part of this release.

Java 7 is no longer supported. INTViewer 2018 is built on top of the NetBeans 9 platform and requires Java 8 (64 bits).

Java 9 and Java 10 are also supported. Use NetBeans 8.1, 8.2 or 9 to create INTViewer plugins.

The Tools->Options->Gui category has been split in two categories: Tools->Options->General and Tools->Options->Gui

Note that the command line to start INTViewer has changed. The following options have been added:

-cp intviewer\\modules\\ext\\jhall-2.0_05.jar -J-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions