Loading Seismic Datasets in Memory

Creating a memory based seismic dataset

You can use class com.interactive.intviewerapi.data.seismic.MemorySeismicData to create a memory based seismic dataset.

In the example below, we create a dataset with random sample values:


            SeismicKeyRange timeKey = new SeismicKeyRange("Time", 0, 5, 0.001);
            IFieldDesc inlineFieldDesc = new FieldDesc("INLINE", 1, true);
            IFieldDesc xlineFieldDesc = new FieldDesc("XLINE", 2, true);
            IFieldDesc cdpXFieldDesc = new FieldDesc("CDPX", 3, false);
            IFieldDesc cdpYFieldDesc = new FieldDesc("CDPY", 4, false);
            IFieldDesc[] arrayOfFieldDesc = new IFieldDesc[4];
            arrayOfFieldDesc[0] = inlineFieldDesc;
            arrayOfFieldDesc[1] = xlineFieldDesc;
            arrayOfFieldDesc[2] = cdpXFieldDesc;
            arrayOfFieldDesc[3] = cdpYFieldDesc;
            MemorySeismicData memoryData = new MemorySeismicData("My Data",
                    ISeismicData.ORDER_XSECTION, 5001, timeKey, arrayOfFieldDesc);
            List<Trace> listOfTraces = new ArrayList<Trace>();
            for (int inline = 200; inline <= 300; inline++) {
                for (int xline = 400; xline <= 600; xline++) {
                    Trace currentTrace = memoryData.createTrace();
                    currentTrace.putHeader(1, inline);
                    currentTrace.putHeader(2, xline);
                    currentTrace.putHeader(3, inline * xline);
                    currentTrace.putHeader(4, inline * xline / 4);
                    Random random = new Random();
                    float[] samples = new float[5001];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5001; i++) {
                        samples[i] = random.nextFloat();

The full API of the MemorySeismicData is available.

Loading a seismic dataset in memory for 2D Seismic Map Layers

A dedicated API allows a dataset to be loaded into memory upon creation of a seismic map layer. This is the programmatic equivalent to the screen a user encounters when a seismic dataset has not been transposed.

The "Inline and Xline Keys" section is displayed only if the dataset has at least 4 keys.

If a dataset has exactly 3 keys, follow this template:

            IMapWindow window = IMapWindow.factory.createWindow();
            IData data = IData.factory.createNewInstance(...);
            NamedProps props = new NamedProps();
            props.putProperty(IMapSeismicLayer.LOAD_IN_MEMORY_FORMAT, IMapSeismicLayer.MEMORY_FLOAT);
            IMapSeismicLayer.factory.createLayer(window, data, props, false);

If a dataset has at least 4 keys, follow this template:

            IMapWindow window = IMapWindow.factory.createWindow();
            IData data = IData.factory.createNewInstance(...);
            NamedProps props = new NamedProps();
            props.putProperty(IMapSeismicLayer.LOAD_IN_MEMORY_FORMAT, IMapSeismicLayer.MEMORY_FLOAT);
            props.putProperty(IMapSeismicLayer.INLINE_KEY_NAME, "INLINE");
            props.putProperty(IMapSeismicLayer.XLINE_KEY_NAME, "XLINE");
            IMapSeismicLayer.factory.createLayer(window, data, props, false);

Loading a seismic dataset in memory for 3D Seismic Volume Objects

You can load a dataset into memory upon creation of a seismic volume object.

The "Inline and Xline Keys" section is displayed only if the dataset has at least 4 keys.

If a dataset has exactly 3 keys, follow this template:

            IWindow3D window = IWindow3D.factory.createWindow();
            IData data = IData.factory.createNewInstance(...);
            NamedProps props = new NamedProps();
            props.putProperty(ISeismicVolumeObject3D.LOAD_IN_MEMORY_FORMAT, ISeismicVolumeObject3D.MEMORY_FLOAT);
            ISeismicVolumeObject3D.factory.createObject3D(window, data, props, false);

If a dataset has at least 4 keys, follow this template:

            IWindow3D window = IWindow3D.factory.createWindow();
            IData data = IData.factory.createNewInstance(...);
            NamedProps props = new NamedProps();
            props.putProperty(ISeismicVolumeObject3D.LOAD_IN_MEMORY_FORMAT, ISeismicVolumeObject3D.MEMORY_FLOAT);
            props.putProperty(ISeismicVolumeObject3D.INLINE_KEY_NAME, "INLINE");
            props.putProperty(ISeismicVolumeObject3D.XLINE_KEY_NAME, "XLINE");
            ISeismicVolumeObject3D.factory.createObject3D(window, data, props, false);