Overview of API changes in INTViewer 4.4


INTViewer 4.4 brings a new set of functionalities that have been made available through the API:

NetBeans 7.1.1

INTViewer 4.4 is based upon NetBeans 7.1.1 instead of NetBeans 6.9.1 for INTViewer 4.3.

If you get a message "application is already running within the test user directory", you need to remove the "lock" file in the build\testuserdir directory. You will probably have this problem more often than in 6.9.1. In this version of Netbeans, there is no friendly message telling you where the lock file is. In NetBeans 7.1, the best way to make sure the lock file is removed is to close INTViewer normally, using the File > Exit menu item.

By default, the debug mode of INTViewer is very slow. This is due to the new NetBeans debugger that tracks Swing hierarchy. If you disable this feature, your debugging sessions will be much faster. You should uncheck the box "Track locations of component hierarchy changes" in Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Java Debugger

Also, unlike in 6.9.1, layer.xml files are not created by default when you create a new NetBeans module. If you create you own layer.xml, make sure you reference it in the manifest.mf file.


Manifest-Version: 1.0
OpenIDE-Module: com.interactive.intviewer.mymodule
OpenIDE-Module-Layer: com/interactive/intviewer/mymodule/layer.xml
OpenIDE-Module-Localizing-Bundle: com/interactive/intviewer/mymodule/Bundle.properties

You can also use the NetBeans wizard to create a layer.xml file:

Incompatibilities with 4.3

A set of API incompatibilities have been introduced as part of this release.

Java 64 bits

If you have Java 64-bit, be aware that a NetBeans issue prevents the output window from being populated when System.out.println or printStackTrace is called.