Using NetBeans 7.2 with INTViewer 4.5

When running a project in NetBeans 7.2 with INTViewer 4.5 as platform, you will encounter the following "no executable specified" error:

You must edit the run.xml file located in your NetBeans installation directory.

In this case we are assuming NetBeans was installed to "C:\Program Files\NetBeans 7.2"

Navigate to the NetBeans install directory and enter the harness directory:

Next open the run.xml in a text editor (you may need to run the text editor with administrator rights in windows):

Look for the run.exe property:

Comment out the original fileset property that contains the jvm.arch.string and replace it with one that does not include the jvm.arch.string like below:

Save the edited file and restart NetBeans.