INTViewer APIs for Data

All data objects implement the com.interactive.intviewerapi.IData interface. Description on how to use the main data types available in INTViewer is available below.

Working with seismic data - opening seismic dataset, querying traces, reading samples, header values. Creating memory based seismic dataset and more.

Working with horizon data - basic horizon creation, adding and deleting points, performing a query

Working with pointset data - basic pointset creation, adding and deleting points, performing a query

Working with grid surface data - loading a grid surface and performing a query

Working with crossplot data - creating and accessing data for crossplots.

Working with triangle mesh data - creating, accessing and modifying data for triangle mesh surfaces.

Working with polyline data - creating, accessing and modifying data for polylines

Working with well data - creating well data

Working with GIS data - creating GIS data

To display the properties of any IData object, use the NodeUtil.getNode method as follow:

IData data = ...
Node node = NodeUtil.getNode(data);

You also have the option of creating formula-based datasets.