Drawing Shapes

INTViewer is based upon the J/CarnacPro toolkit. You'll need to add the JCarnacProWrapper module to your dependencies to access the J/CarnacPro API.

Many of the techniques used to manipulate shapes in J/CarnacPro can be used directly in INTViewer. Remember that J/CarnacPro shapes are generally defined in model coordinates: they scale automatically as your zoom or scroll your view.

Each layer extends com.interactive.jcarnac2d.view.cgPlotView. As a result, the following often-used methods are available for any 2D layer:

             public cgTransformation getTransformation();
             public cgShapeListLayer getShapeList();

com.interactive.intviewerapi.windows.AnnotationView also extends com.interactive.jcarnac2d.view.cgPlotView. The same methods are available for that view.

As a result, when you need to add a shape to a 2D window, you have a choice between adding that shape to:

  • the visualization of a specific layer, or
  • the annotation view that sits on top of all layers of that window.

Drawing Rectangles

In this example, we draw a rectangle in a time slice layer:

            IMapSeismicLayer layer = ...
            cgRectangle rect = new cgRectangle(400, 420, 500, 480);
            cgAttribute attr = new cgGraphicAttribute();
            cgShapeListLayer shapeList = ((AbstractLayer2D) layer).getShapeListLayer();

Drawing Images

In this example, we draw an image in the annotation view:

            import com.interactive.intviewerapi.shapes.Image;
            AbstractLayer2D layer = ...
            BufferedImage  bi = ImageIO.read(new File("C:\\myimage.jpg"));
            cgTransformation tr = layer.getTransformation();
            cgRect imgRect = tr.inverseTransform(new Rectangle(50, 50, 200, 200));      //This will return the coordinates of the given rectangle transformed from device coordinates to model coordinates
            cgShapeListLayer shapeList = layer.getViewerWindow().getAnnotationView().getShapeList();
            cgGraphicAttribute attr = new cgGraphicAttribute();                         //leave blank; attributes will not affect images but this line is required
            Image img = new Image(imgRect.x, imgRect.y, imgRect.width, imgRect.height, bi, false, false);

Persistent shapes

In many cases, you want to add shapes that keep their position and attributes across sessions. The public API provides access to J/CarnacPro shapes that are persistent.

Persistent shapes are grouped in the com.interactive.intviewerapi.shapes package:
