What does Jazz and Mrs. Claus have in common?

Post date: Dec 29, 2017 1:58:59 AM

Dec. 22, 2017, was a special half day filled with activities that brought Christmas spirit and cheer to our students and staff at our school cafeteria. Mrs. Claus presented a warm Christmas read-aloud to our classrooms as Santa Claus was working hard in the North Pole today!

The Eagle Pass High School Jazz Band led by Jazz Band Instructor, Mr. Martin Padilla, brought happy smiles with a live, Christmas carol performance. The Miners would like to say thank you to our Seco Mines P.T.O, Officers who were behind the scenes ready with punch, goodies, and gifts for all of our Seco Mines Elementary students!

Happy Holidays to everyone from Mrs. Maribel Martinez, Principal, Miner Staff, and Student Body