TTM announces it will be available for the summer 2017

Post date: May 1, 2017 6:36:44 PM

While students eagerly await the start of summer vacation, teachers and parents know that it can also be the beginning of the “summer slide.” Researchers say that the average child loses 1.8 months of math skills over the summer break—and that it can take teachers three to six weeks of teaching to get those skills back in shape.

To help students maintain all their hard-learned math knowledge, we’re kicking off the2017 Imagine Math National Summer Math Splash Challenge to keep students engaged while building math skills and self-confidence.

Here’s how the summer math splash works:

1. Teachers will send our official flyer and parent letter home with students. Inside, parents can read great tips for supporting their child in Imagine Math during the summer.

2. Next, parents should use this registration link to register their child for the challenge. Register before June 30, 2017 for an automatic chance at the Big Kahuna Grand Prize.

3. Registered students are now ready to complete the challenge, which runs fromJune 12–July 31, 2017. Look below for the contest flyers to display and send home.

Imagine Math National Summer Math Splash TEACHER flyer

Imagine Math National Summer Math Splash PARENT flyer

Imagine Math National Summer Math Splash STUDENT flyer

Imagine Math Summer Parent letter