
Zoom has a free trial that you can use during school closings.

(1) You will need to select the kind of device you would like to use for the Zoom Meeting. You can choose iPad or laptop. The Device should have a camera.

(2) Download and Run the Zoom software appropriate for your device. https://zoom.us/download

(3) Click on the SIGN UP, IT's FREE and create an account.

(4) You can use your Google Account

(5) Schedule a New Meeting

New Meeting

(6) Fill out all the information and make some decisions. I recommend the following.

MAKE SURe YOU change your Time Zone to Central Time US & Canada!!!!

(7) SAVE before you leave this page.

(8) ADD to your Google Calendar

(9) In Google Calendar INVITE your Guests using their email accounts, ADD Notifications, SAVE and SEND

(10) Note: You can Start a meeting at any time. Just email folks and let them know you are moving the meeting, if necessary.