STEPS for Downloading a Youtube video:

Prerequisite: You NEED FreeStudio. It is on all computers in the district.

(1) Copy the Address of your Youtube video into computer memory by highlighting the address of the URL and issuing the copy command (CTL+C)

(2) Run this on your computer.

(3) Click on YouTube Download arrow

(4) Decide where you want this video to be stored. I suggest you place it in your "DOWNLOAD" folder on your desktop. To tell the downloader where to store your video, Click on Tools, Change Default Output Folder and point to the folder you want to see the video stored.

(5) Now you are ready to Click PASTE (convert to MP4 original quality)

(6) Once the video fully loads, Click the Download button

(7) When the video finishes, you will be able to play it from your UPLOAD folder on your desktop.

(8) You should exit Free Studio (DO NOT accept OFFER to upgrade).