Swivl Robot



SWIVL with Multiple Markers

Introduction to the equipment:

(1) Robot on a tripod with iPad (Standing on Floor)

(2) Robot on tripod standing on a table

(3) SWIVL Robot

(4) SWIVL Robot's On-board Microphone being charged

(5) SWIVL Robot's Mic

(5) SWIVL Robot's Mic in Lanyard

The SWIVL Robot has a power cable & an Audio Cable

The Power cable charges the robot and the Audio Cable plugs into the Robot and into the Ipad Mic Port.

Steps on setting up Robot:

(1) First Download SWIVL App onto your iPad

(2) Attach iPad to SWIVL and turn on the SWIVL Power button

(3) Go to SETPUP on iPad and Turn on Blue Tooth. Select SWIVL to attach blue tooth

(4) Attach the Audio Cable between iPad and Robot.

(5) Select the SWIVL App, Create an account with SWIVL using your school email address and your own password. All your videos will be uploaded to the cloud automatically. You will be sent an email to click on so you can access the videos from your teacher computer. You may either leave them in the SWIVL cloud and share the address with others OR you can download the videos and put them in a Google share folder to share with others or from your Website. I recommend the latter option because you have unlimited space in Google and limited space in SWIVL.

(6) Watch for Firmware updates on the SWIVL. These most often happen when the Robot has been turned off for a while. The updates are downloaded from the iPad to the Robot, so everything has to be connected to get the updates.


(1) When you are ready to video your event, click on the SWIVL App from your iPaD. Make sure everything is turned on and connected.

(2) Make sure your microphone is charged and is where you can be heard (around your neck). I would do a few test videos just to make sure everything was working.

(3) You can turn on the recording via your mic, pause, and continue all from the mic OR you can do that from the iPad.

(4) Once you have finished your event, your video will show up in "LIBRARY" on the iPad. You will need to be patient while the video is sent to the cloud.

(5) When the video is completely pushed to the cloud, you will get an email. From your teacher machine, click on the link, login, and view your videos. You can edit, delete, and download all from this screen.

(6) Refer to this SETUP page