Environmental Ethics, Research, and Law

Virtual Field Trips

Weekly Virtual Field Trip:

1) Each week, for one day please take a virtual field trip. We have enough things preventing us from exploring our world right now, but that doesn't mean we can't get creative!

2) Find a virtual field trip from the links above. My son and I have been visiting the San Diego zoo camera on the elephants. He loves baby elephants. I've already watched them for what feels like hours!

3) Write a paragraph about what you observed and how it relates to environmental issues you've learned about in the course. For example, with the elephants, I might be able to research overhunting and population issues with elephants and their endangerment.

4) Share your response with me via googledocs.

5) This will be a recurring assingment, so it will be part of our lesson plan once a week.


1) Watch the introductory video on some of the history of environmental protection in the USA.

2) Write a 4-6 complete sentence summary on why environmental laws exist.


1) Read the article on President Trump and his environmental policy changes.

2) Based on what you've learned in this course, do you support what President Trump is doing? Why or why not?

3) Write a 3-5 sentence response.


1) Complete the climate change survey above.

2) Write a reaction to the results of the climate change survey above . Was there anything that surprised you?


1) Take a sheet of paper and divide it in to four sections. (fold hamburger and hotdog)

2) Write the following terms, one in each box: preservation, conservation, regulation, restoration.

3) Define each term, draw each term and use each term in a sentence.


1) Research the following careers related to environmental science:

  • Careers in environmental law and policy
  • Careers in ecology
  • Careers in conservation
  • Careers in environmental management
  • Careers in energy and air pollution control
  • Environmental engineer
  • Environmental educator
  • Restoration ecologist
  • Marine biologist
  • Sustainable farmer
  • Renewable energy researcher
  • Forest ranger

2) Write one to two complete sentences describing each career.

3) Select the career that sounds most interesting to you, and complete more extensive research about the career. Include what education is necessary for the career, average salary and what tasks are typical for the career. You should also include an illustration for the career that exemplifies some feature of the career.


1) Create an illustrated timeline of significant events in the history of environmental regulation in the US.

2) For each of the following events, include a one-sentence description and an illustration, and place the event in your timeline sequentially.

3) Include the events listed below:

  • National Environmental Policy Act (1969)
  • Publication of Silent Spring (Rachel Carson)
  • Publication of An Essay on the Principle of Population (Thomas Malthus)
  • Creation of the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Discovery of CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere (1957)
  • Love Canal
  • Chernobyl (April 26, 1986)
  • Three Mile Island (1979)
  • Oil spills
    • California coast (Santa Barbara) (1969)
    • Alaska coast (March 24, 1989)
    • Gulf of Mexico (April, 2010)


1) Create a Facebook profile for one of the following scientists, who have contributed to environmental science through the years.

2) Include in the profile their major contributions to environmental science, date(s) of their contributions and a profile picture.

Possible examples may include:

      • Niles Eldredge
      • Charles Darwin
      • E.O. Wilson
      • Paul Ralph Ehrlich
      • George Washington Carver
      • Thomas Malthus (author of An Essay on the Principle of Population)
      • Joshua Abbot
      • Rachel Carlson (author of Silent Spring)
      • John Wesley Powell
      • John Muir (conservationist)
      • James Hansen


1) Watch the video above on renewable energy sources.

2) Create a bubble map on renewable energy, including both advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy.


1) Watch the video above on possible discoveries to decrease greenhouse gas emissions in cattle ranching.

2) Create an advertisement promoting one of the following methods for sustainable food production:

    • Sustainable agriculture
    • Organic agriculture
    • Genetically modified organisms
    • Livestock practices
    • Aquaculture

2) Use pictures in your advertisement, and be sure to include information about the practice in your ad.


1) Find a current event article about current legislation around environmental issues.

2) Write a 4-6 sentence summary of the article.


Investigate an environmental issue in Texas in order to develop a plan for a community awareness campaign. Research must include a historical account of the environmental issue as well as any associated ethical, economic, or cultural implications. Include an analysis of the effectiveness of any practices aimed at addressing the issue including past legislation and research.

The awareness campaign plan must be marketed to a specific group and presented to both sides of the issue. Include interactive educational materials.