Nuclear Chemistry


1. Watch the video on Marie Curie's work on radioactivity.

2. Write 3-5 complete sentences summarizing her contribution to what we know about radioactivity.


1. As you watch the videos above, create a double-bubble map comparing and contrasting nuclear fission reactions to nuclear fusion reactions.


1. Take a sheet of paper and write "Types of Decay" on the top.

2. Then, fold the paper in thirds.

3. At the top of each section, write: "Alpha decay", "Beta decay" and "Gamma decay".

4. Take notes on the different types of nuclear decay using the videos above.


1. Get a copy of the Nuclear Decay practice from me.

2. Use the videos above to help you complete the assignment.


1. Construct a visual learning aid that illustrates alpha, beta, and gamma radioactive decay, as well as fission and fusion, using balanced nuclear reactions.

2. Include labeled drawings and explanations as necessary.

3. Communicate a cited publication, such as a current event or article, and explain how the information on the visual learning aid applies to it.

4. List and describe a career that connects to the information on the visual learning aid.

You are done! See me for your final review. It's almost summer! :)