English: Dear students, first of all let's watch all these videos and then you can complete the activities according to your level that you will find on the right.

Català: Benvolguts alumnes, primer de tot visualitzeu aquests vídeos i després completeu les activitats que hi trobareu a la dreta en relació al vostre nivell.


Types of Shops Vocabulary

1. bakery – a place where bread and cakes are baked, or a shop where they are sold.

2. barber – a shop where men can have their hair cut.

3. café – a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and simple meals.

4. market – a time when people buy and sell goods, food, … or the place, usually outside or in a large building, where this happens.

5. bookshop – a shop that sells books.

6. candy shop – a happy place where people go to buy candy.

7. clothes shop – a shop selling clothes.

8. pawn shop – a pawnbroker’s shop.

9. boutique – a small shop that sells fashionable clothes or other objects.

10. computer shop – a store that sells computers to the small businessperson or personal user.

11. butcher’s – a shop where you can buy meat.

12. DVD rental – a physical retail business that rents home videos such as movies, …

13. mall – a large area where there are a lot of shops.

14. delicatessen – a shop that sells high quality cheeses, salads, cooked meats, …

15. grocery – a retail store that primarily sells food.

16. greengrocer’s – a shop where fresh fruit and vegetables are sold.

17. hardware store – a place to buy household hardware.

18. music shop – a retail business that sells musical instruments and related equipment and accessories.

19. fish & chips shop – a form of restaurant that specialises in selling fish and chips.

20. newsagent’s – a business that sells newspapers, magazines, cigarettes, snacks and often items of local interest.

21. jewellery store – a retail business establishment, that specializes in selling jewellery and watches.

22. restaurant – a place where you can buy and eat a meal.

23. fishmonger’s – a shop that sells fish.

24. gift shop – a shop that sells small things that are suitable for giving as presents.

25. toy shop – a retail business specializing in selling toys.

26. supermarket – a very large shop that sells food, drinks, and things that people need regularly in their homes.

27. pet shop – a retail business which sells different kinds of animals to the public.

28. shoe shop – a type of retailer that specializes in selling shoes.