Statutory policies for XP Trust

The links below are to XP Trust's statutory policies

If you cannot access them, it is because not all policies are publicly accessible

The DfE list of statutory policies is here.

Links to each schools' Website Statutory Information:

XP Trust Website Statutory

XP School
XP East

Green Top School
Norton Infant School

Norton Junior School

Plover Primary School

XP Gateshead

Carcroft School

The DFE list of what academies must or should publish online is here

S01 Admission arrangements

XP Admissions Policy

XP East Admissions Policy

Green Top Admissions Policy

Norton Infant School Admissions Policy

Norton Junior School Admissions Policy

Plover Admissions Policy

XP Gateshead Admissions Policy

Carcroft School Admissions Policy

Our admissions arrangements are published on our school websites. Links can be found at the top of this page.

S02 Charging and remissions
S02. Charging and Remissions Policy XP Trust

This policy is published on the Trust and school websites using the links at the top of this page.

S03 Data Protection Policy
S03 Data Protection Policy XP Trust

XP Trust Privacy Policies
M02 Trust Privacy Notice for parents and carers
M04 Trust Privacy Notice for pupils
M05 Trust Privacy Notice for school workforce

S04 Protection of biometric information of children in schools and colleges policy XP Trust
S04 Protection of biometric information of children in schools and colleges policy XP Trust

S05 Register of Pupils' admission to school and attendance

SOS XP School 


SOS Green Top

SOS Norton JS

SOS Norton infants
SOS Plover

SOS XP Gateshead

SOS Carcroft

We use SOS to register all pupils at all schools across the Trust. Records of admission and attendance are recorded on SOS

S06. School Information Published on a Website

XP School
XP East 

Green Top School

Norton Junior School

Plover Primary School

Norton Infant School

XP Gateshead

Carcroft School

The above links are to each schools statutory website information.

S07. School Complaints Policy and Procedure - XP Trust
S07. School Complaints Policy and Procedure - XP Trust

Our complaints policy is published on our Trust and Schools websites which are linked above.

S08. Capability of Staff XP Trust
S08. Capability of Staff XP Trust

S09. Early Career Teachers Policy - XP Trust
S09. Early Career Teachers Policy - XP Trust

S10. Staff discipline, conduct and grievance (procedures for addressing) - XP Trust Policy
S10. Staff discipline, conduct and grievance (procedures for addressing) - XP Trust Policy

S11 Single central record of recruitment and vetting checks
XP Trust Contact Sheet and Single Central Record

XP & East Staff Contact Sheet and Single Central Record 

Green Top Staff Contact Sheet and Single Central Record

Plover Staff Contact Sheet and Single Central Record

Norton Campus Staff Contact Sheet and Single Central Record

XP Gateshead Staff Contact Sheet and Single Central Record 

Carcroft Staff Contact Sheet and Single Central Record

These are live documents and privately held by the Trust

S12. Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff. XP Trust
S12. Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff. XP Trust

S14. Accessibility plan  XP Trust
S14. Accessibility plan  XP Trust

XP School Accessibility plan 

XP East Accessibility plans

Green Top Accessibility plans

Norton Infants Accessibility plans

Norton Juniors Accessibility plans

Plover Accessibility plans

Carcroft Accessibility plans

XP Gateshead Accessibility Plan

S15.  Child Protection Policy & Procedures XP Trust
S15.  Child Protection Policy & Procedures (XP Trust Doncaster LA Safeguarding Policy)

S15.  Child Protection Policy & Procedures (XP Trust Gateshead  LASafeguarding Policy)

Our Safeguarding policies are published on our Trust and School websites.
Links to the websites are at the top of this page.

S16. Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy
S16. Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy

S17. EYFS Policy Trust
S17. EYFS Policy XP Trust 

S18. Special Educational Needs (SEND) Policy XP Trust
S18. Special Educational Needs (SEND) Policy XP Trust

XP School SEND Information Report 2023/24
XP East SEND Information Report 2023/24
Green Top SEND Information Report 2023/24
Norton Infant School SEND Information Report  2023/24
Norton Junior School SEND Information Report 2023/24
Plover School SEND Information Report 2023/24
XP Gateshead SEND Information Report 2023/24
Carcroft SEND Information Report 2023/24

S19. Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions policy
S19. Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions policy

S20. Relationships & Sex Education (Primary & Secondary) RSHE Policy - XP Trust
S20. Relationships & Sex Education (Primary & Secondary)RSHE Policy - XP Trust

S21. XP Trust Behaviour In Schools Policy
S21. XP Trust Behaviour In Schools Policy

S23. XP Trust School Exclusion Policy
S23. XP Trust School Exclusion Policy

S24. Health & Safety Policy (currently under review) XP Trust
S24. Health & Safety Policy XP Trust

S25. First Aid In Schools Policy XP Trust
S25. First Aid In Schools Policy XP Trust

S27. Equality Information and Objectives  - Public Sector Equality Duty XP Trust
S27. Equality Information and Objectives  - Public Sector Equality Duty XP Trust

These details can be found on the Trust Website - XP Trust Website Statutory

S30. Register of Business Interest for Staff and Governors XP Trust
S30. Register of Business Interest for Staff and Governors XP Trust

XP Trust Register of Business Interest for Staff and Governors

S31. Careers Policy XP Trust
S31. Careers Policy XP Trust

This policy can be found on our Trust and School websites. Links to the websites are at the top of this page.