Second Thoughts

By Oliver Stockman

Nothing seemed to matter anymore-

I held my breath, waiting to say two words.

The priest continued to go on and on with his boring speech,

but I was entirely distracted in the euphoria of the moment.

I looked into her eyes, a dark cloudy gray-

her long dark raven hair contrasting with her porcelain white dress.

All the patience in me was gone as my anticipation consumed me.

I took her hands in mine but felt them slip away for a second-

I looked back into her eyes, tear- filled, wondering what I did wrong.

The priest asked me the question and I shakily answered “I do.”

Then he asked her…

Her white dress flowing as she glided down the aisle-

I saw the heads turn as she ran by them.

Then she was gone and I was left alone;

two rings and two eyes filled with tears.