I Get Off Here

By Evelyn Blanchette

There’s a Northern road that never ends.

That grows and winds, straightens and bends,

That keeps on going, headed for tomorrow.

You can ride it to the sun, or maybe to the moon,

You can take it for your life, or just blow an afternoon.

But know there’s always something, waiting there for you,

On the road that never ends.

Over the next hill will be the fifteenth homestead,

And somewhere out in space waits a rest stop bench.

You might even take the exit labeled home,

And live out your lone days in the land of nod.

Still, there’s always something out there,

On the road that never ends.

But let me warn you now, before you pack your things,

Of all of the danger that this road could bring,

For there are men still riding, many worlds away,

On the road that never ends.

They’ve passed nod and heaven, and every stop we know,

Looking for something more.

Through Kafka Dreamers’ valleys, and princedoms by the sea,

Looking for someplace where they think they’ll be free.

For it’s rare that the man who’s rode to infinity,

Will turn back in the face of all that possibility.

For those who have made it, out there past tomorrow,

They’ve left lives, children, wives,

Parents, pets, and friends,

And thrown everything away,

On the road that never ends.

Artwork: "Out of Body" by Rie Duncan