Fun with Fluff

By Yash Rastogi

Definition: Fluff is the addition of words to phrases and sentences to for the sole purpose of sounding educated and slowing readers down. Fluff, by definition, always detracts from the argument. Adding more sophisticated language and grammar to a sentence or phrase is fluff if, and only if, it fails to clarify the point, add any of a variety of literary devices for interest, flavor, or elegance, support the argument, or add conciseness.

Example: This sentence is fluffy because today I will discuss fluff, in the topic commonly known as writing or literature, in a manner that will allow the reader to take discerning the true meaning of fluffy writing through a multitude of examples that will serve to extensively clarify the denotation and implications of fluff, which are explicitly stated within the content of this message, into consideration.

Artwork: "Snow Dog" by Colin Beucler