Scholarships/ Financial Aid

Paying for College presentation 2023.pdf
File the FAFSA 2023-24.mp4
Apply for Scholarships (3).mp4
Earn and Save.mp4
Creative Ways to Cut Costs (1).mp4

       File the FAFSA                                                  Apply for Scholarships                                                         Earn and Save                                              Creative Ways to Pay for College    


Weber High students and parents are emailed the WHS Scholarship Bulletin once a month (Sept-May).  Students, be sure to check your wsdstudent email to receive the bulletin.  Hard copies of the WHS Scholarship Bulletin can also be picked up in the counseling office, and it is also posted on the "What's Up" page of this website, and accessed below.  Apply for everything you qualify for!

Weber High Scholarship Bulletin

Great advice for getting ready to apply for scholarships!


Financial Aid

Every student should apply for FAFSA starting October 1st of Senior Year.

Weber High will hold a FAFSA Completion Night in October following College Application Week.

Need Based Aid received through FAFSA:

Grants: PELL, SEOG, SSOG, ULF, etc. Grants are like scholarships, you don’t need to pay them back. 

Loans: Perkins and Stafford Loans are low interest student loans available to those who qualify under federally established guidelines. 

Work Study: The work study program is also federally funded and provides part time on campus work opportunities from 5 to 20 hours per week. 

Other help… 

Weber State Financial Aid Information

Utah State Financial Aid Information
