Applying for Jobs


Top 10 Skills Employers Seek

Each year, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) asks employers to rate the importance of certain attributes they look for when interviewing and hiring candidates. Visit your career coach to identify strategies to develop these skills through internships, involvement, study abroad, etc.

(Based on a 5-point scale; 5 = extremely important)

  1. Verbally communicate with persons inside/outside the organization

  2. Work in a team situation

  3. Make decisions and solve problems

  4. Plan, organize, and prioritize work

  5. Obtain and process information

  6. Analyze quantitative data

  7. Technical knowledge related to the job

  8. Proficiency with computer software programs

  9. Create and/or edit written reports

  10. Sell or influence others

Source: Job Outlook 2013, National Association of Colleges & Employers