Foods & Culinary Arts

Foods 1 (43210)

Grade: 10th, 11th, 12th 

Length: Semester

Credit: CTE

Fees: Class Fee

Description: Do you need kitchen skills?  Food and Nutrition 1 covers all the basic information you will need to become a great cook.  This course will help you understand the principles of nutrition and healthy lifestyles.  You will have hands on experience, cooking in groups and learning basic food preparation.  All areas of the My Plate will be included. May NOT be repeated.


Culinary 1 (43220)

Grade: 10th, 11th, 12th

Length: Semester

Credit: CTE

Fees: Class Fee

Description: Is there food in the kitchen, but nothing to eat? Then this is the class for you!  Food preparation is integrated in with many nutrition topics, Meat, Soup, Salads, Pastries, and Yeast Breads just to mention a few.  These topics include food preparation, sport nutrition, food related health concerns, nutritional recommendations throughout the life cycle, meal service and management.  Learn what to eat for more energy and a healthy life

Comments: Prerequisite: Foods 1

Baking & Pastry (43318)

Grade: 11th, 12th

Length: Semester

Credit: CTE

Fees: Class Fee

Description: Students will learn about yeast breads, pastries:  croissants, Danish, puff and pastry cream;  Cakes: tortes, filling, sponge and cheesecake; Confectionary:  working with chocolate and marzipan and Cookies:  spritz, shortbread, macarons.  Students will make products that will be packaged and sold.

Comments: Foods 1 & Culinary 1 Student are required to have food handler’s permit.

Prostart 1 & 2 (43315 or 43317) (Course alternates every other year)

Grade: 11th, 12th 

Length: Year

Credit: 1.0 CTE

Fees: Class Fees

Description: This is the basic course from the National Restaurant Association that introduces you into the world of professional cooking.  We will be working on communication skills, safety and sanitation, food preparation, meal planning, catering and other topics throughout this course.  FCCLA is an important part of this class, as culinary competitions will be part of the curriculum.  This is a year long course.  

Comments: Prerequisites: Foods 1 & 2 Students are required to have a food handlers permit