Gender Identity

Support for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students

The College does not discriminate in any way on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. We aim to create a safe and productive environment for everyone at our College sites. Transgender students have the right to discuss and express their gender identity openly and to decide when, with whom, and how much information to share. 

This section highlights and addresses the needs of transgender and gender non-conforming students and explains how the College can work with you to ensure that these needs are met but also where our legal obligations are.  In all cases, the goal is to ensure the safety, comfort, and healthy development of transgender or gender non-conforming students, whilst maximising their integration into College life.

Please note that this information does not anticipate every situation that might occur with respect to transgender or gender non-conforming students - the needs of each transgender or gender non-conforming student will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and we encourage students who have any concerns or questions to speak to a member of the Student Services teams. 

How do I change my name on College systems?

Whilst at College we will support students to express themselves by whatever preferred name / gender / pronouns that they wish. 

You can change your 'known as' name and pronouns at any point by letting us know in writing. Please see below about how this affects communication to parents and exam certificates. This will show on all College systems (except for Exams where we need to use your legal name). You can request a new ID badge with your preferred name.

In order to accommodate a legal name change, we will require a formal name change document / deed poll. For full details, please click here.

What name and pronouns will my staff use when they address me?

College staff will call you by the name displayed on the register. At enrolment you will be asked to disclose your legal name and gender and preferred name and gender. Our register systems will show your preferred name and gender pronouns. 

If you decide to change your preferred name and gender after enrolment, please speak to Student Services staff who will arrange for the relevant changes to made and will ensure that the change is communicated with staff. 

What name / gender / pronouns will the College use in email communications to parents and carers?

When communicating with parents / carers, the College staff will use the name / gender / pronouns that have disclosed as your preferred name / gender / pronouns. This will be included in reports and any college systems that parents / carers have access to.

Are there any groups I can join?  Is there anyone I can contact if I need further support?

Each of the colleges offer a different selection of clubs, societies and student-led groups. These will be advertised at the start of each College year. We encourage these groups to be student led, supported by staff members. 

If you are interested in establishing or participating in a group but are unclear on the offer, please speak to Student Services in the first instance.

If you have any concerns or queries, you can also contact the Colleges Safeguarding Team (see the homepage for details) who can signpost you to the right place for support. You can also access support via the Pastoral Teams (Langley and BCA) or Personal Tutoring Teams (Strode's and Windsor).

What should I do if I am being bullied?

The College has a zero tolerance policy to bullying, whether in person or online. If you are being bullied this will be taken very seriously. Please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team to report this so that we can support you further. Details for the Safeguarding Team can be found on the home page or on the college website here.

What is the provision of toilets for transgender / GNC students?

Gender neutral toilets can be found across our College sites and are indicated by signage on the doors. If you are unsure of where your nearerst facility is, please speak to the Student Services staff for more details.

What is the approach to residential College trips for transgender / GNC students?

The risk assessment for all College trips states that trip organisers must consider how they will address the welfare and needs of transgender students - care will always be taken to plan this in discussion with transgender / GNC students. It should be noted that whilst the College will take consideration of this for trips, particularly with residential activities, many settings will have their own guidelines which the College will need to adhere. 

We will take all steps to communicate any information relevant to students in advance of activities.

What name will appear on my exam certificates?

Whilst at College we will support students to express themselves by whatever preferred name / gender / pronouns that they wish. For the purposes of examinations, students will be required to sit the exam in their legal name and certificate will be issued under this. In order to accommodate a legal name change, we will require a formal name change document / deed poll. For full details, please click here.

Where appropriate, an alternative student ID will be issued to students for the sole purposes of exams. Please speak to Student Services or the Safeguarding Teams in the first instance if you have any concerns.

What is the approach to work experience for transgender / GNC students?

We support all students to gain a productive work experience or industry placement. We will work with students to support them to feel most comfortable and will work with students to communicate with employers so that they are supported and able to participate in full with their chosen activity.

External Resources and Information


Stonewall , as Europe's largest LGBT organisation, works with a whole range of agencies to address the needs of lesbians, gay men and bisexuals in the wider community. 


A safe place for transgender, nonbinary and gender-diverse young people to find support and help one another