Careers Support


Dear Parent/Carer,


In order to support students with their option choices we strongly recommend the use of Unifrog. This platform is completely free for students to use and is available for students in Years 7 - 13. It is a useful tool to help students explore their interests, personality type and skills, which are then matched up with potential careers.

Students have been using Unifrog as part of the tutor programme, but in preparation for the Careers Options they would benefit from spending additional time on the platform.

Your son/daughter should continue to use ther school email address to login to Unifrog.


If you have any issues when using Unifrog, please do not hesitate to contact me at


Yours faithfully

Mr R Butler

Assistant Principal

Careers Lead

Careers guidance meeting

If you would like to arrange a careers guidance meeting, please email your college admin.

Also on the 27th March during Parents' Evening our independent careers advisor Joanna Bramley will be available to speak to from 4pm-6pm.

Useful links

BBC Bitesize - choosing subjects        BBC Bitesize - your options       

Career Pilot        UCAS        Studential - advice