Creative iMedia

Level 2 Cambridge Nationals - J834

Exam board: 


Coordinator of Learning

James Marriott

Assessment Overview

1x Examination - Externally Assessed

2x Creative Topics - Internally Assessed

Key Information & Topics

R093 - Creative iMedia in the Media Industry 

R094 - Visual Identity & Digital Graphics - Skills - Using a Graphics Package  

R097: Interactive digital media

Y9 - iMEDIA - OPTIONS 24.mp4

Unit Outlines

Unit R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry

This is assessed by taking an exam. In this unit you will learn about the sectors, products and job roles that form the media industry. You will learn the legal and ethical issues considered and the processes used to plan and create digital media products. You will learn how media codes are used within the creation of media products to convey meaning, create impact and engage audiences. You will learn to choose the most appropriate format and properties for different media products. Completing this unit will provide you with the basic skills for further study or a range of creative job roles within the media industry.

Topics include:

Unit R094: Visual identity and digital graphics 

This is assessed by completing a set assignment. In this unit you will learn how to develop visual identities for clients. You will also learn to apply the concepts of graphic design to create original digital graphics which incorporate your visual identity to engage a target audience. Completing this unit will introduce the foundations for further study or a wide range of job roles within the media industry.

Topics include:

R097: Interactive digital media

This is assessed by completing a set assignment. In this unit you will learn to design and create interactive digital media products for chosen platforms. You will learn to select, edit and repurpose multimedia content of different kinds and create the structure and interactive elements necessary for an effective user experience. Completing this unit will provide you with the basic skills for further study or a range of creative and technical job roles within the media industry.

Topics include:

Career & Further Study Information

Creative Media allows students to display a distinctive creative mindset, and create content within a digital environment. The Creative Media course looks at the content within Games, Publishing, Audio Publications, Video and Film and Web 2.0. Students will gain a rich knowledge of the tools, techniques, demographic targeting and technical work that goes into creating a digital product.

This can lead to further education courses within any of the above-named sectors within the Creative Media industry. Wilmington Academy offers a Level 3 Pathway building upon the content above.

Useful links

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