
BTEC Level 1 or Level 2 Qualification

Tech Award In Sport

Exam board: 


Coordinator of Learning

Tom Cooper

Assessment Overview

Component 1 - Internal assessment (coursework) 30%

Component 2 - Internal assessment (coursework) 30%

Component 3 - Exam 40%

The qualification is graded over seven grades from Level 1 Pass to Level 2 Distinction*. Learners must achieve all components at Level 1 Pass or above in order to be awarded at least a Level 1 qualification. The overall grade is a direct aggregation of performance across individual components. We aim for most students to aspire to achieve Level 2 qualifications. 

Key Information & Topics

Component 1 - 

Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity   

Component 2 - 

Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance 

Component 3 - 

Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity

Assessment Information

Assessments for Component 1 and Component 2 are completed within controlled assessment windows within school time, under examination conditions. Component 3 is a synoptic examination which is undertaken under examination conditions. 

There is a practical element to this course within Component 2. Pupils will have to practically lead sessions in front of others. I advise you to have an interest in sport and feel comfortable performing in front of others. This is a vital aspect to take into consideration when choosing your options.

Career & Further Study Information

Sport, activity and fitness is a fast growing industry; within the course students will develop the skills and knowledge for a range of sport related pathways both in further education and job opportunities. Students can go on to work within sport, sports science, psychology, strength and conditioning, fitness, coaching, sports therapy, physiotherapy sectors. On the other hand, students could opt to pursue a career in teaching, media and reporting or working within the health and leisure or hospitality sectors. Opportunities in sport today are exciting and vast and pupils will learn transferable skills to take with them in their next steps. The increased confidence and self esteem linked to studying and participating in regular sport and activity is one that will support students with any career aspirations they have. This course supports the students who wish to study BTEC Sport Level 3 in P16 or equivalent courses.

BTEC Sport lessons are enjoyable and productive and delivered by experienced staff in a supportive and nurturing environment. Practical lessons are delivered to teach theoretical concepts and practical skills, these are different to the lessons they will experience in core PE. Students will predominantly learn through theory based lessons. However, I will have the opportunity to practically due to the nature of practical assessment in tasks two and three. 

We want to foster a love for learning and sport, activity and fitness however it is important that pupils have a keen interest in sport and regularly engage in sport or physical activity as part of their assessments require sport specific examples and understanding.

Useful links

BTEC Tech Sport Level 2    Careers in Sport     Jobs in Sport