Core PE

Physical Education

No qualification

Coordinator of Learning

Tom Cooper

Assessment Overview

Pupils will receive attitude to learning / engagement scores throughout KS4. There is no qualification within core PE.

Key Information & Topics

All pupils across Year 10 and Year 11 will complete a lesson a week of practical core PE regardless of whether they pick BTEC Sport as an option. The purpose of KS4 Core PE is to provide pupils with knowledge and understanding on how to perform effectively in sport, engage pupils with a range of sport and fitness activities and most importantly to promote a lifelong participation in sport and exercise. 

Career & Further Study Information

Through core PE pupils will gain the communication, teamwork, confidence and problem solving skills that can be transferred to aspects of their development. The increased confidence and self esteem linked to participating in regular sport and activity is one that will positively impact students' health and wellbeing, both across their studies and in their personal lives. PE lessons are enjoyable and productive and delivered by dedicated staff in a supportive environment where we aim to suit core lessons to the pupils and their needs. The range of activities offered can be selected by students on a modular basis and include competitive, leisure and fitness pathways.

Useful links

Careers in Sport       Jobs in Sport