Hospitality and Catering

Level 1/2 Award in Hospitality and Catering

Exam board: 


Assessment Overview

Unit 1 - Written or On screen exam, 40%

Unit 2 - Controlled assessment, 60%

The qualification is graded  Level 1 Pass, Level 2 Pass, Merit , Distinction and Distinction * All criteria have to be completed for the course to obtain a grade.

We aim for most students to aspire to achieve Level 2 qualifications.

Key Information & Topics

Unit 1: Theory - The Hospitality and Catering Industry

Topics - Hospitality providers, establishments and how they operate

Unit 2:  12 Hour Controlled Assessment

You will be given a brief with a scenario to plan, and cook a 2 course meal for a specific restaurant/ menu/ establishment . You will have a total of  12 hours to complete the task.

Introduction to Hospitality and Catering Video - click link below

Career & Further Study Information

The course is a varied course with a large practical element for students to develop their style and flair with food but also developing a deeper food knowledge.  All basic methods are covered such as choux pastry, flaky pastry, shortcrust pastry, different sponge methods, different breads, meringues, sauces, fish filleting, chicken preparation, jellies and mousses etc.

Food, Catering, Health and Nutrition is an industry which is diverse and varied  leading to many different pathways and job opportunities. Students can go on to work in Hotels and Restaurants as it is the first step to becoming a chef,  but could also continue their study into Nutrition and work as a dietician, nutritionist, gyms, and the health industry. There are many opportunities in recipe development for the major food manufacturers  and food writers for health magazines.  Due to the nutritional aspects of the course it also links well to PE, Sports for careers in gyms, health and fitness.

Lessons are fun with lots of different activities such as tasting, knife skills, plate design, students are supported throughout to develop their independence and confidence with the cooking techniques and skills.

It is important to have a love of food and natural curiosity of using a wide range of different foods and ingredients.

Useful links

Assessments      UKH Pathway