We will discuss and identify strategies for staying resilient when faced with setbacks.

Resilience: The ability to to recover quickly from setbacks.

Self-compassion: Loving yourself and giving yourself what you need in the moment.  

Resilience is our ability to recover quickly from setbacks.  It is being able to bounce back and move on, despite feeling upset or disappointed by how something happened. Think of a time you experienced something difficult.  We are going to learn how resilience helps you deal with these difficulties. 

Watch the video below and complete Trying a New Way.  Choose 5 scenarios to respond to in a complete sentence.

Trying A New Way
Understanding Resilience

Everyone makes mistakes but how we deal with them is what matters.  When we make a mistake part of growing is to learn from it and react differently in the future.  Read through each scenario and respond with what could be learned.  Remember to use complete sentences that start with a capital letter and end with punctuation. 

Congratulations!  You have earned your credit.  First, complete the post-survey.  Then, come see me for your credit slip.  Great job!!