We will identify and discuss strategies to support planning.

We will write SMART goals.

We will organize our Google Drives. 

Planning: Making a roadmap to accomplish a particular goal or task.

Prioritizing: Determining and ranking the importance of a set of tasks. 

SMART Goal: A plan that is specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-based.

Organization: A system to keep materials neat and orderly. 

Watch the TED Talk below and then complete the "Making a Plan" assignment.  Pick one area of your life (school, sports, friends, family, etc.) and then choose a single goal in that area.  Fill out the planning sheet below.  

2.1 Making a Plan


SMART goals are specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-based.  Read below for definitions of each of those things.

Specific: What specifically do you want to accomplish?

Measurable: How will you be able to measure or tell you have accomplished your goal?

Actionable: What steps will you take to put your plan in action? 

Relevant: How is this goal important and relevant to your life? 

Time-based: When will you meet your goal?


Below are examples of SMART goals in different areas of life.  After reviewing them, you will write your own SMART goal. 

Questions may be answered in bullets, but all goals must be written in a complete sentence.





Now that you have learned what a SMART goal is and seen a few examples, you are going to write your own SMART goal.  Use assignment 2.2 to help you write one goal.  Your completed SMART goal must be written in a complete sentence. 

2.2 Developing Smart Goals