Workplace Pensions

What are Workplace Pensions and how can Xero help?

What is the Workplace Pension?

Who is included?

If you're a new employer, you'll find information about Workplace Pensions at You must enrol and pay contributions for employees who:

  • are aged between 22 and the State Pension age

  • earn at least £10,000 a year

  • normally work in the UK (this includes people who are based in the UK but travel abroad for work)

You'll need to pay at least 3% of qualifying earnings into the Workplace Pension by 22nd of the following month.

Opting out, in and re-enrolment

Staff can opt out and others may be eligible to opt in. However you'll need to 're-enrol' staff every three years and submit a declaration of compliance to The Pensions Regulator.

How to use Workplace Pensions with Xero

Xero makes it easier to manage workplace pensions. Xero connects directly to:

You can also manually set up and file pension contributions.

Keep track of your pension filings on Xero at Payroll > Pension filings.