
Knitting scarf

I returned to my hometown during the winter break, and the weather was extremely cold. The elders in my family taught me to knit some simple objects with wool like woolen hats. During the learning process, I was very into knitting so I started learning to knit some items that are often needed in life: scarves, sweaters, and coasters.

Then I found that just using the same knitting method it's a bit too easy, so I decided to learn a new knitting method to make the pattern more diverse. Interestingly, I found that a lot of patterns are matched with some specific colors, such as the most common bamboo stitch knitting is suitable for dark green and light purple like leaves, and andalusian stitch knitting is more suitable for off-white. So after returning to Bangkok, I picked and bought yarns in the colors I liked online. After this, I tried a different knitting method for my second scarf, but it didn't work out so well, because I was too anxious and didn't focus on matching the right pattern, so I decided to remove it Started knitting again because I realized I didn't have enough yarns to start knitting again.

I started knitting scarves first to come up with a rough design and draw on the paper to mark different places and use different knitting methods. After planning I started to knit the scarf, I planned to knit three-dimensional flowers on the scarf, it was a very difficult attempt, but I still decided to do it, this time it took me a long time to adjust the gap between the yarns in order to leave enough space to weave the flower pattern. I searched the internet for a lot of different flower patterns, which inspired me to change my plan to weave relatively simple flower patterns. I finished it in the spring and it took me a month to finally knit my second scarf. This is a scarf that I designed and knitted by myself. During this process, I searched the Internet and learned how to knit by myself. When I practiced it, I found that it would be better to match the appropriate pattern, so I began to think about each colors that fit the pattern and I built a blueprint, which made me more creative and gave me a sense of accomplishment.

CAS Learning Outcome

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

WIS 2019 Winter Show

I am taking choir this year, we spent most of the semester practicing Christmas songs, and we performed a chorus at our Christmas party the week before the Christmas break. In the first few months of preparing for the performance, the students in the class were divided into two different groups, and the two groups sang in different tones, high and low, respectively. I was assigned to the high-pitched group. While doing the practice, I felt the importance of teamwork, because we need to coordinate well, and if one person sings incorrectly, the whole thing will sound weird, so we practiced a lot. 

We need to prepare red or green clothes on the day of the performance because this is the color of Christmas. I was very nervous before the performance, this is my first time participating in choir performance. We also prepared a lot of props to help make the performance even better.

This activity made me feel very meaningful. During the practice, I realized the importance of teamwork more than once. Even if there is a person who sings very well, that person can't just show when he sings as whole team. What I need to do is to learn how to integrate with the voice of the team. It was an unforgettable experience for me.

CAS Learning Outcome

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions