
Voluntary of KYS Sport Day


During the summer break of this year, I went back to the middle high school I used to study in Shenzhen, China. Because it was a week before the summer holiday in Chinese middle school and the school held a large sports day. I work as a temporary volunteer. My job is to patrol and check if there are students who need help, while maintaining order.

The members of the Volunteer Association are members of the communist youth league of china. All our volunteer members are required to wear a red jacket with the logo of the Chinese Communist Party on it. I was assigned as the captain of the patrol team and I needed to assign different people to patrol different parts of the school. After assigning the respective tasks of the team members, we began to disband, and each went to the assigned area for patrol work.

During the volunteer activities, I felt very tired because the patrols required high concentration and lasted until 6pm. It's hot and it worries me a lot. During the patrol, I found a lot of people gathered around. I ran over worriedly and found a student who fainted from heat stroke. Another volunteer member and some classmates carried him to the nurse with me. As soon as he fainted, he was taken to a shady place with us, so it was not serious. I feel very fortunate that I discovered the problem early and dealt with it quickly. The event finally ended when it was about to get dark in the evening. All our volunteers gathered together and we disbanded after confirming that there were no less people.

To sum up, this is a very meaningful volunteer activity. Although it is very tiring, I have gained valuable experience. I can clearly assign different team members to work, which can help me build good leadership and communication skills. ability. I want to do what I can to give to the institutions I am grateful for, and to help others feel meaningful to me.

CAS Learning Outcome

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions