
Bangkra Chao Bike Trip

In the last week of the second semester, I took a field trip of riding bike. When I first started riding  the bike, I found that I couldn't stay balanced, probably because I hadn't been on a bike since 2018. At the first 30 minutes of riding, I found that my whole body was sore, it might be because I was using my shoulders to control the direction of my bike. Especially when riding on very narrow roads, I often need to stop and balance before continuing to keep up with the person in front of me. On the way we were riding, we passed a lot of green plants, just like in the forest, even though the cycling made me feel tired, these green plants made me feel a little more relaxed. 

During the 30 minutes break, me and my friends went up to the second floor of the cafe to joy the beautiful view and fresh air. Different from my daily life, this place has a kind of a feeling of nature. While resting and admiring the scenery, I began to think that the trip was worth it because the scenery was so brilliant, it made me feel calm and relaxed. 

While riding bike to the park, I found that as long as I use less shoulder fatigue and use my wrist to control the direction of the ride, my shoulders didn't feel sore anymore. After I got the hang of it, I felt less tired. 

Because of the long-distance riding, I still feel a little tired and out of breath. Since if stop again I won't be able to keep up, so I kept riding.  In the park we decided to ride separately and splited up. I found that the difference between riding with a group of people is that it is easier to ride alone and gave me a chance to rest. 

It was a good experience, although it was tiring, I not only learned how to persevere, but I also learned a lot of skills about riding bike. After riding, I thought I rode aroung 5km, but it was actually 10km which made me so shocked that I rode 10km. Every time I make up my mind to stick to something, I often give up for tiredness. But if I do it with a group of friends, and everyone perseveres, I want to persevere too. But I hope that after this experience, I can learn to supervise myself to insist on some things because there will not always be friends who will persist with me.

CAS Learning Outcome

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences


During the summer, I was obsessed with Tampa Am, a contest of skateboard skill. I wanted to actually play than just watching the game, thus I started practicing the basics of skateboard and tried to learn more. 

At first, I fell and hurt a lot because cannot control the balance while practising ollie, a basic skateboard trick. Also, I was scared of sliding down the slope because of the fear of falling down. But as more time I spent on practising, the less fear I felt from sliding and doing other tricks. 

CAS Learning Outcome

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences