CAS Project

Handmade ASL Dictionary

During the whole junior year, me and my group mates have planned out to make a handmade ASL Dictionary based on out hobbies and the inspiration from needle book on the internet. The project is divided into three major parts: 

Satge 1: Investigation

I'm really interested in painting, I tried drawing different views and characters I like in animal crossing. But I'm not good at drawing hand movement. My partners are also interested in art, and they are in ASL Club. While brainstorming the ideas of CAS proejct, one video of handmade needle book inspired us. One idea came up to us was making a hand-made needle dictionary of ASL. 

CAS Project Grade 11 - Keya Sana Yixuan

Satge 2: Preparation

After decided the goal, we started planing out the steps and dividing thw work. As dictionary, we needed to choose which word to do since the time limitation we cannot make a complete ASL dictionary. We chose 70 words ish that might be useful for daily life. For dictionary, there are description, the usage of the word and the image for people to look at and read. Which divided the work into two stages: 

Finally, for convenience and also practice different aspects of skills, we decided to divide words we prepared into three pieces and each member is responsible for one piece. 

Satge 3: Action

It was not hard and also fun to me since I have strong interest of art. I was pretty enjoying it even though drawing hand actions is my weakness. Practising parts that I wasn't familiar with made me feel like I'm actually improving. 

During the project, I realized that it was easy for me to memorise some of the words in ASL if I wrote it and drew the images. This might also can be applied in studying, note it down is a good way for me to memorize. 

Satge 4: Reflection

When started actual writing on paper, the reality I met was quite different from what I expected and planned. After searching needle book from the internet, I I thought our work might be also that fancy. One thing I realized during the process is the material and also the management of pages are also matter. These factors can directly affect the looking of final work. 

Me and my partner didn't integrate the format of writing and drawing before we actually did it, so when all of us came up with our own finished paper, all of our work shared pretty different styles. It was fun but also brought us experiences that if we want it to be more organized and united, we should plan out first and do something else to achieve it. For example, let one person write the whole thing and another person draw the whole thing. But at the same time another problem comes up: it might cannot help members practising each skills during the process. 

To sum up, it was really interesting to find the problems during the process and it brought me expereinces of considering and discussing with partners before doing it. 

Satge 5: Demonstration

During the project, the more words I finished, the more I realised that how important it would be for people to learn sign language. I thought it was a hard language to learn, but while writing, I realized that it isn't hard as I expected. If I put some effort in, it will be easy to learn the words for basic talking in sign language and I learned them from writing and drawing them in paper. 

Throughout the whole project, it was quite interesting and fun, I would like to make some creative works such as needle album book and apply it with the topics that I'm interested in. 

CAS Learning Outcome

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions