Varsity Volleyball Team (2014 - Nov. 2017)

Junior Varsity/Varsity Volleyball Team

  • Activity

1 – Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

I was apart of the volleyball team since the 8th grade up till the end of 2017 (my first semester of the 11th grade). Being a part of the volleyball team included tiresome hours of practice after-school every week as well as the participation of inter-school matches and tournaments. This allowed me to have an activity in my academic life which strengthened me physically. This also allowed my to strengthen skills such as teamwork, dedication as well as the sport itself. As I trained more and even attended camps throughout my years playing the sport, I saw myself improving at the game becoming more confident with myself as well. At one point I had felt as if I had learnt the most about the skills and techniques which are required to master the game though what held me back was my physical state as I am not athletic as a person in that sense. This pushed me to work my body harder physically so that I could become stronger as a person.