Khaochonkai Military Camp (Feb. 2018)

  • Service / Activity

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

The Khaochonkai Military camp was a 5 day excursion to camps set up in the province of Kanchanaburi. During this time we were put through rigorous training and learnt about survival skills as we stayed in tents and lived in the forests. The early 5 am waking and the tough training truly allowed for me to grow as a person as I was able to experience such a living style which I would have never imagined living up in the city. The rigorous training and harsh conditions of the environment has also allowed for my physical growth which has become a positive for the whole experience. Even though I dreaded everyday of the experience due to its intensity, I truly did gain both a physical and mental strength to such opportunists or situations I may face in the future.