GreenHawks Gardening Project

GreenHawks (Gardening) - CAS Project

  • Creativity
  • Since Grade 8

1 - Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth

4 - Worked collaboratively with others

6 - Engaged with issues of global importance

I have been a apart of greenhawks for 2 years and I feel it has been a great way for students to get together and make a difference in our environment at our school. I have been apart of a gardening group for greenhawks with the goal to decrease our carbon footprint at school by growing crops behind the school.

This project has probably been my most challenging thing I have faced since we have hit a number of hurdles in the past and only had little success. We have had to rethink the plans and restart growing plants so many times. This has been due to issues with spacing, amount of sunlight, pests and even diseases. This process has taught me so much about growing crops and caring for them due to the amount of failure we have faced. From this I believe we can grow and continue to sustain a new generation of crops by the end of next year.