servICE Conference (Nov. 2017)

servICE Conference

  • Creativity
  • Since grade 8 (went to the conference 4 times)
  • Hosted and organized once

CAS Outcomes:

1 - Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth

4 - Worked collaboratively with others

6 - Engaged with issues of global importance

This was my fourth time attending the servICE confrence and I had even hosted/organized one in the past so I was interested to see how this one would turn out. The conference was inspirational as always and allowed international students to get together and share ideas. We discussed many issues societies around the world face and got in contact with local NGOs to raise awareness on serious issues. Students had also participated in keynotes and workshops to show projects they worked on at their schools for others to either gain inspiration or even join groups to make a difference in the country we live in. I enjoyed the conference since it allowed so many people to come together and collaborate on things they were passionate about. This has resulted in the formation of a number of student held groups and organizations outside of the conference working together on improving the world for a better future.