Event goals

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Web Summit is a busy three days. The best way to take full advantage of the event is to prepare and do your due diligence. Have a plan and know what you’re hoping to achieve on your one day of exhibition and over the other days as well. If you’re still not sure, check out our guide below to figure out what’s best for you.

Start by gathering your team and deciding what you want to achieve by attending Web Summit. Are you interested in the onstage content? Would you prefer intimate discussions like roundtables or masterclasses? Make a plan.

Consider dividing up your team to conquer talks, the exhibition floor and general networking. Separating your team and being as pro-active as possible on the floor will invariably increase your chances of bumping into someone interesting.


The Web Summit attendee list is the most sought after black book in tech and, as an ALPHA startup attendee, you’ll have access to it – 70,000 entrepreneurs, investors, founders, partners and members of the media. Browse our attendee list on our mobile app, book meetings, and build connections that last. Here are just some of the exciting ways you can make meaningful connections at Web Summit 2022.

Keep an eye out for the full schedule, including a list of stages, stage times, speakers and Night Summit details.

The bottom line? Talk to everyone, and don’t be afraid of sparking up a conversation with the person behind you in the queue for a coffee. After all, the number one goal for the majority of our attendees is making new connections.

Brand Awareness

There are lots of big opportunities at Web Summit for showcasing your startup to large audiences.

Connect with our media attendees

We want you to get media coverage, but you decide how to make your story or product newsworthy. We recommend doing some smart outreach to attending members of the media via the Web Summit app. You will be able to find some of them on our attendee list closer to the event, so keep an eye out.

As obvious as it may sound, news is based on something that is new. Identify what is new, surprising and exciting about your product, and you are halfway to piquing journalists’ interest. If your story or product is interesting to them, they will reach out to connect during the event.


When 70,000 people with different backgrounds and experiences come together for three days, there's no end to the ways you can learn. Here are just some of the opportunities available before and during Web Summit.

Cold messaging

When messaging another attendee, your main goal is to get them to read it and respond. The best way to do this is to research the person you are messaging. They have a full profile of skills and interests, so be sure to use that information to catch their eye! Whether you’re approaching an investor, member of the media, or general attendee, personalising messages shows that you have given thought to a future relationship and have put in the effort.